
Transformaciones que perduran

Ayer jueves 11 de abril tuvimos un taller en la Fundación para la Innovación de la Rioja una sesión sobre transformación de negocios. Transformarse significa, literalmente, ir más allá de tu forma actual. Las empresas (y las personas!) necesitamos transformarnos para sacar partido de los cambios, de las innovaciones y de ...

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Why change does not happen

I've been reading an old interview with Chip Heath about the emotional motivations, reasons and conditions of change. And there some that are good food for thoughts. First reason is related with the way our brains work - and any organization does. We have to accept that there are two sides we ...

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Planning for execution

When execution is important, when results are key, planning is paramount. But planning is a concept completely different from a plan. The quote from U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the starting point for a reflexion on planning: In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning ...

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Missions that only a team can perform

There are missions that only a team can do. In other words, there are tasks that an individual will never be able to do. For instance, winning the football (soccer) world championship, as the Spanish team did during summer 2010 in South Africa. And why is it so? Sometimes, it is ...

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